Friday, March 21, 2014

How I make $60 per day ($1800 per month) with Ojooo

1. After joining go to purchase upgrade and buy VIP ($99) OR premium+ ($39)
2. When you bought VIP go to purchase referrals ( every 3 days)
 3. Now you will have to buy 500 referrals every 3 days.
Inactive rented referrals will be replaced every 3 days for free!
You earn 6$ a day with 500 rented referrals. After 3 days you will have earned $18 so you will need to invest only $82 to get another 500 referrals.
$64 by the next investment and 46$ for reaching 2000 rented referrals.
When you reach 3000 rented referrals you will start to make a profit while you keep renting until you reach the 5000 rented referral cap.

If you would like to earn from Ojooo rented referrals but do not have enough cash available for a big investment, you can take a premium or premium+ account and you can upgrade to VIP later and still make a lot of money! 


4. Start promoting your referral link and make up to $399 per referral upgrade!
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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ha! More proofand get you high, Grasshopper pens only get you high. Because why the hell would I want the option to record the administrative tasks of my day when I also have the option to ignore them in favor of sucking on a Bic-shaped vaporizer?
that if pens wish to avoid extinction they better start bringing more to the table than a barrel full of ink! In fact, Grasshopper makes the biggest leap of all--the one I've been waiting for: it eliminates the writing function altogether! Grasshopper pens don't make to-do lists
Like the VaporBLUNT, the Grasshopper is a completely portable, self-contained herbal vaporizer. However, instead of modeling itself after a chubby Crayola, Conrad Behrman, Matthew Most, and Trevor Vita have fashioned their durable and discreet inhalation station after a contemporary and elegant ball point. The basic model's exterior housing is made from smooth stainless steel (titanium and colored titanium upgrades are also available) carved to be durable and comfortable to hold and store, yet thin enough to maximize interior space for a larger battery and chamber.
To begin a Grasshopping experience, unscrew the pen's tip and load it with your herbs of choice. After reaffixing the chamber, click the end of the pen once to turn it on; a ring of red dotted lights will display. Seconds later, once Grasshopper has heated and is ready to puff, the red lights will turn blue. From there, lower mouth to metal and let the chillin', relaxin', Dominoes ordering (complete with special pizza cuts and box top drawing requests), and abstinence from writing begin.
Grasshopper endeavors to further differentiate itself from other portable vaporizers on the market with its heating technology. Direct Metal Laser Sintering, a type of metal 3D printing, allows for the construction of a compact heat exchanger with low flow resistance. The 30-watt heating element is also an upgrade in standard strength, and powerful enough to keep up even during aggressive use. To control temperature and monitor user input the vaporizer uses a pair of microprocessors to convey information from end to end. The result: no wires, a slimmer profile, and reduced manufacturing costs.
Grasshopper the vaporizing pen will be available for backing on Indiegogo through December 15, 2013. Anticipated delivery if the crowdfunding campaign is successful is February 2014. Right about the time I expect my next hankering to watch Grasshopper the Karate Kid to hit. I imagine the two will pair very well together.
Thanks to Wovenlore for the Dude Product Tip.
February 2014 Update: Grasshopper far achieved its funding goal (by 3-1/2 times), so its initial production run and delivery of backers' pens is still in the works. Follow the link below to the company's Website for further information and updates about future availability to the general public.
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Think about those nights you bolt upright in bed, heart racing, salty with cold sweat, awakened from a nightmare just before you meet your final doom. Now think about the rush of relief you feel as you take in the solitude of your cozy bedroom, the cushy support of your TempurPedic mattress, and the comfy envelopment of your goose down pillows. Lame, right? You don't want to feel peace, you want to feel fear. You want a perpetual battle for your life. You want a constant challenge to your sanity. You want an average resting heart rate of 120. You want to wake up from one nightmare and step right into the next! Zombie bedsheets will make it happen. With the desperate clutches of dozens of living dead hands creeping towards you amidst explosions of blood and brain matter, you'll never have to worry about sleeping in peace like some punk little baby who spits up and shits himself and has to suck on a boob 'cause he can't chew steak ever again.
Textile designer Melissa Christie's fantastically creepy zombie bedding set for real men and women includes a duvet cover and 2 pillowcases, with screen printed zombie arms, and masterfully hand painted blood splats and cranial extractions. Available in standard bedding sizes twin, double, queen, and king.
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Yes ma'am, my necktie is made of solid wood. And it just so happens it's pointing to something else that is made of solid wood, if you know what I mean. So why don't we--wait! Don't flip your hair and walk off in a huff! I was talking about I'm wearing wooden shoes! I am! Because I'm Dutch, from, OK then. I guess that's one pickup line Wood Thumb's wooden tie won't add to my repertoire. At least it's easier to wipe clean when an entire glass of wine is dumped on it though.
Wooden ties are upcycled accessories, chopped, drilled, sanded, and varnished from San Francisco salvage yard redwood beams. They measure approximately 20-1/2" long. Wood Thumb notes the pictured version, a wider tie, is best sported by someone 5'11" or taller. So there goes 80% of their market. Due to having come from real trees, each tie has slight variations in texture and pattern. Just like faces. Except unlike genetics, I think Wood Thumb makes sure none of their ties turn out ugly.
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When Zane Wylie was 5 his mom gave him a canister of Play-Doh and Zane Wylie ate it. When Zane Wylie was 8 his mom gave him a pack of colored pencils and a spiral sketch book and Zane Wylie traded the pencils for a couple Hot Wheels and used the book to smash ants and flies at recess. Then one Friday--the Friday after Thanksgiving when Zane Wylie was 12--Zane Wylie's mom was about to hack up a turkey carcass to make stock, and Zane Wylie was like, "Hey can I see that for a sec?" Reluctantly, his mom handed him the bones and a knife, which Zane Wylie used to carve the entire illustration of that kid's leg getting eaten by a boa constrictor in Where the Sidewalk Ends along the turkey's backbone. An artist was born.
The moral of the story: don't let your mom pigeon hole you with Play-Doh and paper products. Find a medium that speaks to you and turn it into art. (My mama would like to add this medium should preferably be one that earns enough money to get you your own place, or at least chip in on the groceries every once in a while.)
The medium that truly speaks to Zane Wylie, presumably not discovered until some years after his turkey awakening, isn't carcasses but skulls. Human skulls. Real ones. He carves them, intricately and elaborately, with themes ranging from Celtic warriors to Asian dragons to Russian sea captains. The skull featured above depicts the life of Vadim Konyashev, a salty child of the Laptev Sea who grew up on the bow of his father's ship. On the day his father died, Vadim took a bottle of vodka from the man's 3-fingered hand and realized he was raised with such crudeness and tyranny so that he would learn to be strong enough to carry the legacy of leader of men when this moment came. Wylie continues the story:
His father's blood, now starting to freeze to the outside of the bottle glistened as Vadim held it high and drank it empty. The crew's cheers were cut short as the empty bottle shattered against the forehead of a crew member. "Next man who thinks celebrating is more important that working eats this glass!"
Who knows if the tale of Vadim Konyashev is real or not--maybe it's total BS like my tale of Zane Wylie--but either way, the captain's immortalization as etchings on authentic dead head bones seems fitting. And pretty awesome.
All of Wylie's real human skull art is available for purchase through his Website below. He also sells carved replica skulls.
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Friday, March 7, 2014

What I like about this Kraken umbrella is the inside, which features a giant Kraken. What I like significantly less about this Kraken umbrella is the outside, which features a mess of curlicued, doily-looking sea life and free advertising for The Kraken spiced rum. I am ambivalent about the squid arm handle. It looks cool, but I'm skeptical of its gripping comfort, especially during a blustery downpour. I'm bitter enough when forced out of doors in inclement weather. I don't need a palm covered in cephalopod suction cup imprints adding to my ire. (Note: According to The Kraken Supply Shop, the Kraken umbrella's handle is "rubbery". How does one interpret that in terms of skin-gouging potential?)
So as not to sound like a complete d-bag, I will reiterate that I do dig the inside of the Kraken umbrella. And I generally enjoy umbrellas as a commodity. I will also disclose that I chipped a tooth biting into a Werther's Original a couple hours ago, so I'm not in the best of moods.
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The essence of Oscar Mayer bacon will strum at your nostril strings like no other." While the Oscar Mayer brand has never been my first choice at the pork candy store, it will definitely be my first choice at the scent-emitting alarm clock store. From forth the gustatory-meets-tech loins of a company we already know has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A comes Wake Up and Smell the Bacon, a smartphone attachment that wafts the stirring aroma of bacon at the sound of its compatible alarm clock app.
When weighed in tandem with the smoky, meaty smell of sizzling swine, Oscar Mayer believes the thought of getting out of bed won't just become tolerable, but preferable to hitting our snooze buttons. I have to say I concur.
At least until I realize the scent is a big hoax. That there is no actual bacon to be had! I bet I speak for many out there when I say bacon in my nose without bacon in my mouth at 6 a.m. is more than enough to rile the beast. Refrigerators could be ransacked. Frying pans could be flung. Neighbors' cats could be dropkicked. I wonder if the Wake Up and Smell the Bacon creators preparing to accept their Genius crowns have considered these possible repercussions of rousing bacon fiends with non-existent bacon. It's basically on the same level of meanness as selling oregano to hapless suits on the street who had a bad day and just want to relax with a 20 sack of weed. Except way less funny.
Still interested? At printing, the bacon scent-emitting device sought beta testers. To register, head over to Oscar Mayer's Wake Up and Smell the Bacon Website and fill out the online form, which requires the answer to questions such as, "Oscar Mayer bacon is brined, then cured for 12 hours. How long would you be willing to wait?" And, "In three words, describe your love for Oscar Mayer bacon." The most convincing applicants will be rewarded with the chance to get porked out of bed in the morning.
Or you could DIY yourself the scent and the succulence of bacon by converting your toaster oven into a bacon makin' alarm clock.
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Every groom-to-be gets cold feet at some point, and this zombie wedding cake topper brilliantly summarizes both the worst and best case scenarios that could play out when that happens. Worst Case Scenario: Your feet are so cold that you actually take off running, and your fianc�e must resort to physical force, and possible violence, to drag you back to the altar. Best Case Scenario: That fianc�e is also a zombie, so you don't have to feel too bad about killing her to get away.

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Nom, nom, nom. It's Hasenpfeffer meets the next-generation three wolf moon shirt. Your days of gnawing on leathery old rabbit parts that taste like a combination of barnyard and the positive ends of AA batteries are over. These fresh whole rabbits epitomize the concept of communing with nature, making man and beast one, and keeping Montezuma the F out of your GI tract. They're also the perfect gift for the abstaining vampire in your life. Please specify in Comments section of order form whether you would like a cottontail, lop-eared, angora, velveteen, or silly rabbit (infused with authentic Trix essences). Sorry, Jessica breeds are sold out through 2019.
 Rabbit meal..
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And you always thought she was an icy bitch because you couldn't get to second base. The Boob Luge puts a positive spin on the cold reality of interacting with women. Also, just like in the good ol' days of infancy, it allows thirsty boys (and girls, we guess) to lock lips with a nipple, and feel the nourishment flow. Only difference is, this ice cold rack's mammary duct work spurts out milk that's 80 proof.
Each boob has its own feeding funnel, so party goers can ride twin-style on the molded areolas of anatomical perfection. The luge measures 12" x 12" x 8", and holds about 9 litres

of water. Keep in mind, though, that the entire freezing process takes 48 hours, and plan your nipple-nuzzling accordingly.
Note to guys who don't have a mommy complex: we get that the thought of sucking liquid from a teat as a grown-ass man may not be DD-lightful. So we recommend taking a warmup shot or two from between the ice bust's breasts. You know, do something you're used to, and then ease yourself in to going full-on Oedipal.
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It may still stink, but ingest a couple of these 24K capsules, and your shit will look as handsome as a pile of gold. Tobias Wong and J.A.R.K. (Ju$t Another Rich Kid) created the Gold Pills as part of their INDULGENCE line, and as a bit of swallowable commentary on society's obsession with wealth and consumption. Just down one of the gold leaf-filled tubes (preferably with a shot of espresso and a couple prunes) and transform your insides into a rich and luminous palace of major systems and organs, all churning in perfect synchronicity towards a singular goal: making your shit sparkle.
If you're wondering what to do with the golden shit post-defecation, unfortunately the answer is still, "Flush it." I guess you could try to use it to buy things--for example, Beanie Babies and Facebook stock, which some have suggested are currently worth shit--but Wong and J.A.R.K. make no mention of whether or not that will work. Rather I think the message here is that anyone who can afford to spend $425 on a few pills filled with 24K shards of gold, and goes ahead and does it, isn't just the type of person who pisses away money, but the type who shits it away too.
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We wondered too, but the answer is no. blk. black bottled water is not part of an SNL skit � la black caulk or Colon Blow. It's a real artesian spring water from aquifers in Canada's Sandiland Forest Reserve. And it takes itself very seriously, claiming to be richly endowed with fluvic minerals and other alchemic phenomena that will turbocharge your life force, despite the fact no one has ever heard of them. Ahhh, Canadians.
Regardless of what it purports to be, what blk. is, is a big black bottle of black, black water. That, from what we gather, tastes like a big clear bottle of crystal clear water. It's basically coffee, without the coffee flavor, aroma, caffeine...without the reasons people drink coffee. It's the Crystal Pepsi marketing ploy in reverse. Slick packaging, visual twist on a cultural mainstay, and a lot of yada yada about making you harder, better, faster, stronger if you drink it.
For those less cynical than we are, or for those just curious why blk. is black, here's the cleanse-your-spirit spiel. Sand in the ground near blk.'s Canadian springs serves as a natural filter, leaving the water taint-free, yet enriched with essential minerals, namely those of the fluvic persuasion. Fluvic minerals are found in prehistoric plant matter buried deep within the earth. They are naturally black and, when added to translucent water, dominate the visible spectrum, and give blk. its name and hook. blk. contains over 77 fluvic and humic minerals, which are chock full of hydrating electrolytes. In addition, the light weight of blk.'s proprietary mineral blend allows the human body to absorb it quickly, and achieve hydration faster than with tap and other pedestrian waters.
blk. water contains no dyes, no artificial flavors, no sugar, and no calories. And, good news, Jewish peoples, it's kosher too.
If you've read this far, you are about to be rewarded. Remember that earlier dig about Canadians? Well, blk. black bottled water is actually an American product. More specifically, a Jersey product (no surprise there--isn't all of the water in Jersey some shade of black?) It's the business venture of brothers Albie and Christopher Manzo. Whose mother, Caroline, is part of the New Jersey flavor of the wacked out, fame whoring casts of the Real Housewives franchise. And probably also the mob.

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Ahhh, summertime. 'Tis the season. To be sneaky. The Freedom Flask, in the same spirit of duplicity and cunning as the Nano Hummingbird Spy Camera and the iStash, aids users in their quests to do things they aren't supposed to behind the backs of those who would make them stop. Easily concealed under clothes as a belted pouch, the Freedom Flask holds up to 32 ounces of your favorite booze, which it covertly distributes through an open fly via its extendable hose and nozzle. Men, not only is it now possible to have two pants snakes, but it's possible for both to inspire equal and unmitigated displays of awe and reverence from those lucky enough to catch a glimpse of them. Ladies, say goodbye to your sobriety and better judgment. (Or wear a Freedom Flask yourself across the chesticular region, and garner some extra attention of your own!)
Freedom Flasks make trusty companions at overpiced or liquor-verboten:
  • Sporting events
  • Concerts and festivals
  • Bars and clubs
  • Golf courses
  • Movie theaters
  • Ski slopes
  • Office cubicles
  • Sunday services
Attached to each bladder is a 42-inch adjustable belt with secure-lock buckle. Flasks themselves are guaranteed leakproof, and made with safe, medical-grade materials in, naturally, none other than the US of A. Flask masters assure us carrying Freedom 'round the gut line is comfortable, and will pay for itself after a single use. Our one concern--well, aside from getting ejected from the Bieber concert we paid $150 a ticket for--is drinking beer at body temperature. Under a shirt, nestled up against our midsections, there's really no hope of pseudo-pissing out a cold one. Probably best to stick with hard
alcohol flask fillers, and shoot directly into ice.

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At this time last year, the World's Strongest Beer was Armageddon, a 330 mL bottle of malt, hops, a little sweetness, and an awesome 65% ABV crafted by Scottish brewery Brewmeister. This year, the World's New Strongest Beer is Snake Venom, a 275 mL bottle of peat smoked malt, acid malt, chocolate malt, and a slightly even more staggering 67.5% ABV. Crafted by...Scottish brewery Brewmeister. Apparently, no one can top their instant liver damagers with beers even approaching potable, so they set about to--and succeeded in--trumping themselves.
Snake Venom is fermented with 2 different types of yeast, ale and champagne, and then freeze concentrated to secure its astounding 67.5% content makeup. 67.5% That's over 2/3 my beer filled with pure alcohol. Drink just one bottle of Snake Venom and it will feel like you've downed a 12-pack of any big-hitting American domestic. Sounds scary. Scary yet...efficient.
Brewmeister notes that, "Unlike Armageddon, Snake Venom is not designed to mask the taste of the alcohol." So, uh, it tastes like what my mama used to pour on my skinned knees, plus into my mouth if I said the F word? Nay, say the Scots. While the alcohol flavor is strong, Snake Venom still tastes like beer--"hoppy, malty and very pleasant." Yeah...maybe. But how numbed/drunk do I have to be before I down the first one? Because really, after enough F bombs, even rubbing alcohol has its toothsome qualities.
Snake Venom ships internationally (outside the UK) for about $22.50 per bottle. Yikes. Also, it can take up to 30 days for delivery outside of Europe, though typically more like 10 to 12 days.
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Several years ago, Willy Wonka sat down with the UK's most distinguished chocolatiers to lay down the next big release in artisan chocolate. He tried many of their stunning and revolutionary manipulations of the finest Belgian exports, and felt rejuvenated by the abundance of creativity and potential. However, none of their singular confectionery creations quite hit the mark on its own. Here is the story of how Edible Anus Chocolates were born.
Willy Wonka: Alright, guys, I think we're ready to select the first of the next big hits in the chocolate industry. By the way, my name is Willy Wonka. Yes, the Willy Wonka. And I gotta tell you: have got what appears to be a dyna
mite grasp of the cacao bean!
Chocolatier 1: Wow. Coming from you, Willy, that means a lot.
Chocolatier 2: Yeah. I mean, you're Willy Wonka! I can't believe Wonka digs our chocolate!
Willy Wonka: Easy, guys...I put my pants on just like the rest of you--one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I make chocolate rivers so smooth and delicious fat kids are willing to drown in them for a taste. Now let's get to business here. Show me what you got.
Chocolatiers lay before Willy Wonka a spread of rounded truffles, salted caramel logs, nougat-centered milk chocolates with tops spun like roses, and a solid, 85% dark confection shaped like an ass.
Willy Wonka: I'll be honest...fellas, these were tasting great. But...I could've used a little more anus. So...could you go back and tweak it a little, whip me up another batch with a few more?
Chocolatier 1: Uh...well...the butt was kind of just a joke Willy, but...sure thing.
Several rounds of tasting later. Wonka is fired up and maniacal.
Willy Wonka: More anus! I gotta have more anus, baby!
Chocolatier 2: Willy, uh, I don't know. I mean, do you not think maybe a hunk of chocolate shaped like a butthole would maybe make people not want to eat it?
Willy Wonka: Actually, guys, guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is...more anus!
Edible Anus artisan, preservative-free Belgian chocolates are handmade in the UK. The company claims its brown star mold comes from a sphincter model whose trunk is as fine as the chocolates themselves. They believe their anus range of confections can "dissolve cultural boundaries of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation." Well. They can certainly dissolve cultural boundaries of not licking an asshole in public.
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Good thing yawns and O faces look about the same because, thanks to research being conducted by a handful of (presumably exhausted and horny) PhD students at Indiana University's The Kinsey Institute, they're about to mean the same thing too. Early stages of testing an as-yet-unnamed...supplement? Drug? Mother's little helper?...have shown that the sexual health center's concoction of hormones and neurotransmitters triggers orgasms approximately 10 to 15 minutes after subjects ingest the mixture and, oh yeah, yawn.
Kinsey Institute mad scientists, I don't know what kinds of problems you're encountering that might be inhibiting this miracle solution's public debut, but if a proper moniker is the lone holdup, I'm sure an open call for titling would return some outstanding results. Obviously my suggestion is the Boregasm Pill. I think Boregasm is a good name both because people tend to yawn when they're tired or bored, and because if yawning could make them have an orgasm they would probably be way less tired and bored. (Oh, I'll get to the post-coital fatigue factor in a minute.) Think of all those quarterly meetings and school lectures and dates with girls you have pretended to find interesting only to have them be like, cheek peck, "Thanks for the $150 dinner. Peace out." Insufferable. Now imagine yourself in those same situations, but with a play-out as follows:
There you are. Some dude/chick is droning on. You're trying hard, really hard, to pay attention. But you're dying of boredom. Your eyes droop. You bow your head. Try to stifle the inevitable jaw drop a little longer. But you can't...hold You...
Whoa. What's that? Is that? Is that a...
Holy Kleenex, Batman! I think I just blew a load!
And suddenly, you're back. Back to Excel spreadsheets detailing quarterly performance. Back to differentiating equations. Back to emitting sounds of sympathy and disgust at the appropriate times as you get the play-by-play of how Nikki wasn't invited to Jenny's party but she found out Kelly was so she tried to private Facebook message Kelly to ask what the WTF but she accidentally posted it on Kelly's timeline and all of Kelly's 876 friends saw the message, including Jenny, and now Jenny is pissed at Nikki and Kelly because she thinks they're, like, trying to cause drama and ruin her party so now she's uninvited Kelly and so Nikki and Kelly are, like, joining forces and trying to get people to blackball the party and--is that the right, word, blackball?--and also unfriend Jenny on Facebook and if they're successful it would basically mean the downfall of Kelly. Like, from the Earth of her social life.
DISCLAIMER: Boregasm pills deliver only one orgasm per dose, and have a recommended dosage of one pill per 12 hours, so you may still need to exercise some caution when choosing which conferences to attend and girls to go out with.
The miraculous science behind the Boregasm pill involves the tweaking and rearranging of an orgasm's biochemistry. For example:
  • Users experience internal rather than external stimulation of the penile muscles, induced by the sharp inhalations of air yawns elicit, plus voodoo drugs.
  • Users enjoy expedited climax achievement. Almost immediately following the triggering yawn, the pill hits Muhammed Ali style--hard and fast--thanks to the powers of...voodoo drugs.
  • Users benefit from, uh, "Hold the sauce" blockers that enable the explosive discharge of neuromuscular tension, but prevent the release of accompanying male ejaculate. So no Kleenex, diapers necessary. This is made possible by the rapid acceleration of the orgasm process. And also voodoo drugs.
  • Users absorb hormonal balancers that inhibit the distribution of prolactin, oxytocin, and vasopressin, three chemicals whose appearance following an orgasm is linked to males' inclination to pass out after sex rather than stay up for hours discussing hopes and dreams and favorite baby names and whether or not it's time for a new tablecloth. "Hormonal balancers" is, of course, another way to say "voodoo drugs."
As a bonus, Boregasm pills incorporate 100 mg of caffeine to enhance blood flow during the Big O and alertness pursuant to it.
The Boregasm outcome? Renewed vigor, renewed interest in the mind-numbingly monotonous parts of your day, renewed commitment to swimming strong through the murky waters of life, and, most notably perhaps, a renewed appreciation for the yawn.
Note: I think the pills work for ladies too but I didn't read on to find out how because, like all men, I'm not too concerned about whether or not women have orgasms.
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If you know a lot of assholes, you know what it's like to deal with their shit. Now, it's time to return the favor. enables the shat upon to send steaming piles of Don't get mad, get even to inconsiderate, self-important, obnoxious, or otherwise turd-deserving recipients. Anonymously. Exes, evil bosses, crooked mechanics, Nancy Grace--the shit storm is brewing, and when it hits, it'll be freshly-packed and delivered deliciously ripe right to their front doors.
From cow dung to elephant excrement to a gorilla's #2 (the most human-like in both appearance and fragrance) to an extra-special shit of the month, goes above and beyond the typical inventory of bull shit, stocking a bona fide shateria of stench. All flavors are available in quart and gallon sizes, and range in price from $12.95 for a quart of moooon pies to $23.95 for a gallon of gorilla rectal rolls.
Like the most professional of psychotherapists and prostitutes, promises to keep its clientele 100% confidential. While you won't get to see the shit show unfold--and, depending on the level of humiliation it generates, may not even hear about it--you can rest assured its private audience will never tie your name to the production team. Embedded in the pile o' poo is an oozy-fonted greeting card reading, "You've been pooped on, want to know by whom? OVER." And on the flip side: "We'll never tell."
So what are users saying about the service?
"Not only was your shit some of the finest shit ever sent in the mail, but your placement of the 'wanna find out who sent this' card within the shit forces the shitted on to actually sift through the shit only to find out that you'll never tell them who sent them the shit. I just finally heard back from the shitted on friend and I almost shitted myself when I heard he dug through the shit to find out who sent him the shit." -Stan, Chicago, IL
And how about the lucky SOBs on the receiving end?
"I have received two packages of shit in the last 2 weeks. I know it's somebody in the office. So who ever is doing it the joke's over quit sending me shit." -Jeff, Downing Lake Grove, NY
On behalf of, we'd like to remind you that if you've been scorned, wronged, taken advantage of, or pranked one too many times, you have only two options: keep taking that shit, or start dishing it out.
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Ink, sperm and eggs go in, a financially secure future comes out. In vitro fertilization is expensive, and let's face it, so are babies. What better way to offset the costs, and maybe make a little extra (elbow-elbow) than selling some prime epidermal real estate on your newest bread winner? Octomom- and Duggar-approved, you won't be saying, "Eight is Enough" after you calculate the earning potential of these walking billboards.
"But, wait!" you say, "How is this possible?" In what's proving to be an immaculate conception, the good folks at ACME Fertilization and Recycled Needles Ink joined faculties and resources to develop this brainchild of pure gold for all parties involved. From there, government funding reappropriated from the space program, plus private funding previously targeted for the 3rd and 4th seasons of HBO's Rome, helped cultivate the research, and make the embryo grow. Once the first bundle of fiscal joy popped out with a Wah! and "Tupac Is Alive" inked in perfectly legible tribal font across his back, the money from big business came flooding in.
In the lab, a delicate mixture of sperm and ink are injected into the egg with tiny needles and a high-powered microscope that enable your Fetal Tattoo Technician to ensure the correct company logos appear on the exact body parts you've sold. Arms, legs and the back of the neck are obviously the highest grossing areas, with 24/7 visibility. For modest, albeit less shrewd, parents there are also more reasonable packages available on traditionally popular areas like the lower back. However, keep in mind that "tramp stamps" are generally reserved for condom brands and penis enlargement pills.
With over 500 corporations on board, it's not a question of if you can afford to have a baby anymore, but more a question of how rich you want to be.
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Red Bull creator Chaleo Yoovidhya died in March 2012, leaving behind an unparalleled energy drink phenomenon and industry. Not since Coca-Cola and YouTube spectacles involving numerous tabs of Alka Seltzer has a carbonated beverage caused such frenzy and reverence throughout the world. And let's not forget Red Bull's braggin' rights as first super-caffeinated hard liquor mixer to regularly prompt trips to the ER. Remember Thailand's native son Yoovidhya, his legacy, and the fact that Original Thai Red Bull is 3 to 4 times more "effective" than its Western counterpart with a 150 ml bottle of version 1.0.
Now, what they mean by "more effective" I'm not really sure. What's admitted is that Thai Red Bull is sweeter than US Red Bull, and that Thai Red Bull is non-carbonated, which makes it easier to chug. It also lacks our version's taurine, which is the amino acid I always thought gave Red Bull the wings it passes along to those who ingest it. I suppose there could be some secret ingredients--such as enzymes that boost caffeine's powers, or Bangkok sewer scorpion venom--in Thai Red Bull that make it the #1 choice of Muay Thai fighters jonesing to jack up their neurotransmitters prior to administering ass-kickings, but this information is not specified.
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Great. Something to make the guy in the cube next to me even more hyperactive and annoying. I wonder how fast he'll be able to recite all the state capitols after chugging 32 ounces of the world's strongest coffee. Death Wish was created apparent reason other than to push the boundaries of insanity. At approximately 200% more caffeinated than typical coffee shop roasts, these beans are dark, dirty, and not for the weak. Apparently in a limited edition run, the makers of the organic, Fair-Trade brew encourage you to get your Death Wish while it lasts. And if you're not jittery, sporting a resting heart rate of 155, and this close to getting punched in the face by those around you after a pound of it, Death Wish promises to give your money back.
No love for coffee? How about a shot of Original Thai Red Bull?
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